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Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre

Artists from all over the world connect and combine their work through the forum Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre offers. In more than a quarter of a century, Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre succesfully developed, the Black International Cinema Berlin/Germany & USA founded 1986, Berlin/Germany and The Collegium Forum & Television Program Berlin (Magdeburg, Wolfsburg, Dessau) founded 1995 in association with Cultural Zephyr e.V. founded 1990, Berlin/Germany.

The wish to overcome religious, ethnic and gender persecution world wide and to fight discrimination in our societies through dialogue and understanding is the basis of Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre's work.

Art in all forms provides the opportunity not only to analyze and address these issues, but inspires the hope to change speechlessness into dialogue, prejudices into understanding and respect, and fear and violence into a peaceful co-existence.

In January this year, Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre invited me to integrate one of my art projects into their television program A COMPLEXION CHANGE, vision III,
Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, Barack Hussein Obama, production and direction by Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre for THE COLLEGIUM Forum & Television Program Berlin. At the same time I made photographs during the telecast. Based upon this idea, we want to continue and develop this combination.

Andrea Brehme, April 2009


- more about Foutainhead® Tanz Theatre

- more about "Level Orange"